Earn Gift Cards and Monthly Perks just for Choosing Wave Energy!

Wave Energy Rewards is Your Place to Earn

Gift Cards & Monthly Perks

It’s simple… The longer you’re a Wave Energy customer, the more you get.
In addition to earning rewards every month, you’ll also earn GIFT CARDS!

You’ll get your choice of gift cards from popular brands like…

Enjoy Endless Extras

We’re constantly adding new bonuses, games, and surprises. All just for you.

Here’s How Wave Energy Rewards Works

Wave Energy Rewards is all about value, all about savings, all about fun, and all about YOU!


Sign Up with Wave Energy and you’re automatically enrolled in Rewards.


Every month you'll earn Reward Dollars from Wave Energy.


Enjoy daily prizes like gift cards, products, cash, and more!


Use your rewards to save in over 500,000 ways...dining, shopping, travel and more!

Wave Energy Rewards is a free, voluntary, and ongoing customer loyalty, connection, and community platform created by Wave Energy for select Wave Energy customers over the age of eighteen. Enrollment in Wave Energy Rewards by Wave Energy and online/mobile redemption by enrolled customers are required to access/use Wave Energy Rewards benefits. All product names, company names, and logos/marks depicted are (1) the property of their respective holders, (2) used solely for illustrative purposes, and (3) not meant to imply any affiliation with or endorsement by their holders. Participating offers subject to change. Wave Energy Rewards is a free, voluntary, and ongoing customer loyalty, connection, and community platform created by Wave Energy for select Wave Energy customers over the age of eighteen. Enrollment in Wave Energy Rewards by Wave Energy and online/mobile redemption/selection by enrolled customers are required to access/use Wave Energy Rewards benefits. Wave Energy Rewards is not a one-time promotion or inducement to contract/purchase. Reward Dollars are not cash, rebates, gift cards, or gift certificates, and have no cash value. Additional terms and conditions apply. Wave Energy terms, Gift Card offer terms, and Wave Energy Rewards terms are available online at www.waveenergyservices.com and www.waveenergyrewards.com.


Gift Card Offer:  Wave Energy has offered select customers gift cards as an appreciation for customer loyalty.  Our gift card loyalty plan features six (6) fifty dollar ($50.00) gift cards earned by eligible Wave Energy customers every six (6) months they are an active customer of Wave Energy, up to a maximum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) in total gift cards earned.  Your first gift card is earned after you’ve been a Wave Energy customer for six (6) months, and every six (6) months thereafter.  You must be an active customer to claim your gift card(s).  Gift cards are notified and fulfilled via email only.  Customers are offered a choice of gift card brands.  This offer is not transferable. This offer is terminated if you cancel your service with Wave Energy.  Void where prohibited.  Limit of one (1) Gift Card Offer per household.  If you have earned a gift card from Wave Energy, action is required on your part to validate your identity and to select the gift card brand you wish to receive.